Friday, May 13, 2016

Cost of Car Insurance In Every State

Every car insurance company claims they can save you money on your monthly rate, but there are more forces at work here than your flawless (or not so flawless) driving record or credit score. Even the state where you live can impact your annual car insurance premium, so take the claims of those countless ads with a grain of salt.
Credio, a personal finance site that’s part of the Graphiq network, set out to compare insurance rates across the nation, despite numerous complicating factors. A study commissioned by and conducted by Quadrant Information Services provided just the data we were looking for. Using these figures, they determined the average annual car insurance premium for all 50 states. After that, they calculated how much the average person paid for car insurance each month, and how much that number differed from the nationwide average. Then, pulling some data of our own from Graphiq’s knowledge graph, we also determined how much insurance rates changed as the result of an accident or speeding ticket in each state.
The study took rates from six large insurance carriers in 10 zip codes in every state. The study used a 40-year-old man with a good driving record and good credit as the example policy holder. The rates presented are based on the average for the 20 best-selling vehicles in the U.S., excluding high-end sports or luxury vehicles, which would impact average rates significantly. This list ranks states in descending order, from highest average annual premium to lowest.
Before you place that phone call to save 15 percent or more, check out the cost of car insurance in every state.


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